SFTA Chamonix 2025

Guidelines for authors

Call for abstract submission

You can submit an abstract by clicking on this link: abstract submission

For March 25 and 27, abstracts must be submitted in English using this template.
For the March 26 day, abstracts must be submitted in French using this template.

All the abstracts will be published in Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique (Elsevier) with a doi number for each submission. Therefore, the abstract must follow the exact template (see example).

  • Maximum words: 600 (without the affiliation), always single-spaced
  • Font: Arial, 12 pt
  • Reference(s): only in the text (name first author, journal, year, volume, pages)
  • Must contain a statement about conflict of interest
  • Cannot contain a table or a figure
  • For studies carried out in humans or animals, the author must ensure that his work has been carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the journal Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique

Abstract format

Title of the abstract (bold, left justified)

Authors (name, surname, affiliation(s), underline the presenting author)
1 Affiliation (organization, city, country, italic)
2 Affiliation
Identify the corresponding author with *
Email address of the corresponding author

Structure of the abstract: objective, method(s), results, discussion, conclusion

Conflict of interest

Congress Presentation

Oral presentations instructions

  • Speaking Time: Unless the Scientific Committee gives the speaker a specific speaking time, oral presentations will be 12 minutes + 3 minutes for discussion on « PowerPoint » slides.
  • Slides must be in 16:9 format.
  • If your file is ready before the congress, you can send it by e-mail to Luc HUMBERT, otherwise bring it on a USB stick: it will be loaded on the PC or Mac computer at the congress reception.

Poster presentation instructions

  • Poster size: provide your own A0 portrait poster on paper or fabric. Posters will be hung on the grids using clips provided by the organisers.
  • It is not necessary to send your poster in advance.

For all other technical questions, please contact Luc HUMBERT.