International seminar on drug testing in hair
30 years of drug testing in hair: merging science with business realities?
Thursday 27 March 2025, Chamonix, France
Morning session: Invited speakers
- 30 years of progresses in hair testing science, where do we go: Carmen Jurado (30’)
- How to interpret NPS findings in hair? Alberto Salomone (30’)
- Unsolved issues in hair testing: Robert Kronstrand (30’)
Break (30’) - External contamination of hair: still a debate? Maria del Mar Ramirez Fernandez (30’)
- Is it possible to test for GHB in hair after a single administration? Francesco Busardo (30’)
- Hair testing for doping agents – not just a fight against sport authorities: Pascal Kintz (30’)
- Cut-offs: Do we need to move forward? Amine Larabi (30’)
Afternoon session: Alternative Matrices
- Hair testing for drugs using HRMS
- Single hair vs a bundle of hair
- Significance of a negative result
- Recent progresses in the knowledge of drug incorporation in hair
- Cut-offs for unusual drugs – an indicator of the laboratory performance?