Programme BLT
Lundi 24 mars 2025, 10h00-12h00 : Board Meeting (Salle Jules JANSSEN)
Mardi 25 mars 2025, 8h30-12h30 : BLT Scientifique session (English) (Salle Michel PAYOT)
8:30 -10:00: Artificial Intelligence (AI) (modérators : S. Wille, I.-A. Larabi)
- O1. Artificial Intelligence in Toxicology: Introduction and overview of possibilities. Simon Elliott & Sarah Wille (30’)
- O2. Machine Learning in Forensic Toxicology: Applications, Experiences, and Future Directions. Michael Scholz (30‘)
- O3. Expanding the post-mortem toxicological toolbox: a focus on vitreous humour metabolomics. L. Jacobs (15′)
- O4. Assessing fitness to drive – proposal for a laboratory testing workflow tailored to the individuels case. K. Van Uytfanghe, H. Van Beveren, C. Stove, E. De Boosere (15′)
10:00-10:30: Workshop RANDOX
10:00-10:30: Coffee-break / Posters / Exhibitors
10:30-12:30: Free Topics (modérators : M. Deville, N. Verougstraete)
- O5. Pharmacogenetics: how to apply in toxicological investigations. Vincent Haufroid (30’)
- O6. TDM and β-lactam antibiotics. Nick Verougstraete (30’)
- O7. A lethal case involving purple drank and Kratom. L. Breugelmans, A. Boland, M.-D.-M. Ramírez-Fernández, V. Di Fazio, S. Wille
- O8. N-Ethylpentedrone: two fatal cases in a secured forensic psychiatric clinic and comparison to driving under the influence of drugs cases. K. Maudens, J. Roosendaal, I. Bosman, P. Van Driessche, J. Hulshof, B. Van de Velde, T. Klein
- O9. How to respond to real time drugs-alerts? Comparison between French and Belgian early warning systems. S. Cherki, M. Balcaen
- O10. Validation of a Quantitative Screening Method by Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) from a Dried Blood Spot (DBS). T. Robin, C. Hubert, I.-A. Larabi, J.-C. Alvarez
Jeudi 27 mars 2025, 16h00-18h00 : Business meeting (Salle Isabella STRATON)